Flogging Competition In Ipetu-Ijesha, Osun State (Photos & Video)

A beating competition took place at Ipetu-Ijesha (Osun State) among two notable streets namely "Odoise" and Ifofin.

Each street has representatives (competitors), so the representatives came out and started beating themselves in turns.
The more a participant could withstand a particular beating session, the higher the points earned by such participant. Whichever street  that won will be given a price  from the king.

You need to watch the short video below grin and Check some pictures below from the beating competition. Enjoy 

Flogging Competition In Ipetu-Ijesha, Osun State (Photos & Video) Flogging Competition In Ipetu-Ijesha, Osun State (Photos & Video) Reviewed by suara info on 14:35:00 Rating: 5

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