Any time you touch woman in her breast (Must Read)

Any time you touch woman in her breast first thing she will do is..........,...................................................................................................................................................................,................................,..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................She will.................................................say.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I 

wanna use it to draw your attention. do you know that jesus died for you?he is the one that keep you and your family alive.but u don't have time for him.when you see post about Jesus on Facebook you ignore but when you see rubbish post you"ll be busy commenting. Just use your 5seconds of your time and type thank you Lord!!!!!

Muslim brothers nd sisters u never mind opening ur Q'uran in a week atimes not to talk of in a day. Yet Allah is still merciful to u but I want u to remember that He is Ar-Rahma Ar-Raheem, remember the day of ressurection nd change before it is too late. Allah loves us all!
Any time you touch woman in her breast (Must Read) Any time you touch woman in her breast (Must Read) Reviewed by suara info on 20:23:00 Rating: 5

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