A beautiful short story

Once a Flower met a Pearl.
Flower: Our large family includes the roses and daisies. Everyone of 
us has distinctive scent and appearance.

Suddenly, the flower became sad.
Pearl: Why would you be depressed when you have such a special and beautiful family?
Flower: Human treat us carelessly! they just plant us for their own pleasure, they use us to extract our fragrance and then throw us on the street/garbage after taking what they want from us.
The flower then said, Tell me now about your life! How do you feel when you are buried deep in the sea.
Pearl: Although I don't have a distinctive colors/scents like you, but humans think I'm so precious that they would do the impossible to have me! I live in a thick shell isolated in the dark seas. However, I'm happy and proud to be in a safe place far from mischievous hands and eyes, waiting for the right man who would realize my true value, who would be ready to go deep in the ocean to have me and cherish my protected beauty'
Do you know what the Flower and de Pearl symbolize?
The Flower is the unveiled woman (who shows her charms)
and. . .
The Pearl is the veiled woman who are reading my post(who conceals her beauty)
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A beautiful short story A beautiful short story Reviewed by suara info on 11:22:00 Rating: 5

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