CHANGE OF ATTITUDE by Moses Durodola.................... (Must Read)

The situation of things in Nigeria currently looks clumsy and is gradually tending towards what was witnessed in land of Israel during the time of Gideon as recorded in the book Judges Chapter 6.
The economy as we are currently experiencing in Nigeria can be comparable to the siege by the Midianites and Amalekites and therefore everything in the country seems not to be going on as expected. Each passing day, families are finding it more difficult to have three square meals on their tables with the cost of foodstuffs skyrocketing beyond the reach of an average Nigerian. Youths across the various regions of the country are daily taking to Militancy – no thanks to their inability to secure viable jobs to do after graduation from schools. Many of our infrastructures are just simply not working. Even families are not left out as there is a sharp increase in the case of broken homes around us now and increasing cases of marital violence among couple. Companies are also downsizing instead of employing the unemployed in the country with some even relocating out of the country – hence few jobs for the increasing millions of people that are available and willing to work.
The book “TOUGH TIMES NEVER LAST BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DO” by Robert Schuller will be recommended and instrumental to all of us at such periods like this in order to have a “Change of Attitude” from negativity to positivity in our way of life and of doing things.
The question now is what do you need to do to meet up and excel at times like this?
1. Do not play the “Blame Game” – by blaming the government and the people around you.
2. Focus and think through on the solutions that you can proffer at times like this. There are various opportunities that abound around you which are waiting for someone like you and I to explore and utilize maximally.
3. Once you have settled down for a Product or Service to offer, set a standard for such product and standard beyond what is obtainable around you now.
4. It is only GOD that can reveal to you that “GOLDEN IDEA or BUSINESS-SENSE” that will make all round difference at times like this … cry to Him and He will reveal such to you.
It has also been discovered that it is at periods of Gross Economic Melt-down like this that “New Millionaires” emerge. It is only people that have the mindset like Gideon that can have an edge – “BOLDNESS, CREATIVITY AND DESIREOUS”.
The question is will you be bold, creative and desire to be one of them?
It is your ultimate attitude and not the situation steering you in the face that will ultimately determine what your outcome you are coming out will be. God has a good plan for you and all He needs is your “CHANGE OF ATTITUDE” in order to give “DIVINE RESPONSE” to all of your problems!
The choice of what you want is definitely yours…. CHOOSE WISELY!
Thank you.
CHANGE OF ATTITUDE by Moses Durodola.................... (Must Read) CHANGE OF ATTITUDE by Moses Durodola.................... (Must Read) Reviewed by suara info on 12:28:00 Rating: 5

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