Seven Simple Tips To Guide You Through A Phone Interview

We hope you find it useful. Knowledge is power.

It is no longer news that employers are increasingly conducting phone interviews and sometimes Skype interviews in other to reduce the number of candidates they invite over for face-to-face interviews.

Sometimes they do this so as to reduce the cost of conducting interviews for a large pool of candidates as well as to reduce productive time on interviewing candidates that may eventually not be suitable for the job.

Sometimes, its because the interviewer is not available yet want to move forward with the recruitment process.

Some of the reasons for using phone interviews is usually to ascertain the following:

1) How confident the candidate is.
2) Your diction and English language prowess.
3) Your suitability and interest.
4) Your confidence level.
5) The way you conduct your manners over the phone.
6) The qualifications they have in your name.
7) How smart or apt you are to respond to calls unawares.

From that HR call that is simply asking "if you would be available for an interview" to the more complicated ones where the content of our answers are screened or where how we sound is scrutinized, HR personnel could determine if you would be invited over to the organization.

When too many people who are qualified for the same job applies, phone interviews are usually employed to determine how you would probably fit into the job. The following tips will help you:

1) Never sound bored, tired or yawn on the phone. In other to avoid this, once you receive a call from a HR official, simply ask the person to allow you move to a more cool and quiet area. This would work wherever you are and will give you the little time you need to get yourself together. Cut out all distractions.

2) Ensure that you are prepared if you are expecting the call or sometimes when you see a strange number. It helps when you show courtesy to every or anyone who call you.

3) Sound confident on the phone. I read somewhere that you could do as if you are a speaker on a stage and you are much more engaged with your audience. To build your confidence on the spot, act it, breathe and speak calmly and gently.

It is also believed that you standing is the best way to pull this through. Have materials in front of you (bullet points) that would aid your responses. So its important that you research any company you have applied to and have the information readily available.

4) Always say things like you mean it. When you mean something, it can be perceived. Employers are interested in candidates that know what they know and are confident about it.

5) This last step is the only one thing that is universal and it is the power of a smile. The power of a simple smile is irresistible.
This will help you feel relaxed and help you sound confident. Smiles can be heard even when you are not seen so sound excited, healthy and interested.

6) Take it as seriously like you would have a face to face interviews.

7) Listen and dont dominate the conversation. This is an interview which means they’re going to be asking you questions, but it’s also an opportunity to show your potential employer that you’re good at listening too. A good listener who can make a great conversation.

Seven Simple Tips To Guide You Through A Phone Interview Seven Simple Tips To Guide You Through A Phone Interview Reviewed by suara info on 08:13:00 Rating: 5

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