1. Attire:
They just love women in cool and casual outfit, walking in style and tremendously beaming with confidence.
2. No make-up:
Usually men are not attracted to heavily painted girls. They love the natural and make-up free look. They rarely pay attention to smokey eyes and dark lipsticks. So ladies do not waste precious time and money and just be natural.
3. Lively wit:
It is not physical contact that can only draw men towards you. Your vivacious wit and sharp humor can do wonders in attracting men towards you. So be smart and witty. Simply crack a joke and get men wooed.
4. Lingerie:
The weirdest thing that men like is the lingerie that does not match. Do not just run after a paired bra and panties, show that you are not prepared and see how hot and desired he will be.
5. Sexy curves:
Curvy is definitely sexy. Flat and skinny figures do not attract men. Love handles and curves never fail to get noticed.
6. Intelligence:
Traits like intelligence, confidence, decisive nature, intimate openness and emotional maturity attract men as they love to be close to intelligent people rather than dumb and beautiful women. Beauty with brains is appreciated. Go ahead and flaunt your real self. Mere display of beauty is not sufficient enough. Show your sensuality and express your wildest fantasies because that is what men like.
7. Baggy tee at bedtime:
Sounds strange, but that is what men love to see a woman in. Men like women in casuals and want to explore. They do not get turned on by women in formals.
8. Eye Contact:
Never shy away from your man. Just put your point emphatically and look into his eyes. Eye contact makes you irresistible and stronger.
9. Unkempt hair:
Women think that men are attracted by properly knit hair which is not true in real sense. Unkempt hairs attract men as they simply love bed-hair and kohl smudged eyes.
10. Heavenly feeling:
Women believe that heavenly feeling should not be expressed before men. This is absolutely false, displaying heavenly feeling is an indication that a woman is strong enough to express her sexuality- something that men just long for. Sexuality is an intimate and personal thing and should be expressed instead of being bottled up.

WEIRD THINGS MEN LOVE IN WOMEN WEIRD THINGS MEN LOVE IN WOMEN Reviewed by suara info on 14:00:00 Rating: 5

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