When Husband And Wife Practise Different Religions! Your Opinion

The issue of religion in a relationship is a major one. In the African context, we see parents insisting on their children getting married to a man or woman who practices the same religion or have the same faith. We also see parents who are only concerned about the family background, occupation and sincerity of the heart of their children's life partners. These set of parents claim they are interested in their children's happiness and peace of mind in marriage. However today, when one xrays people's opinion about married partners sharing the same religion or different religion, the reasons are varied and so diverse that you begin to wonder if people ever consider love, trust, communication, honesty or even commitment above other things when choosing a life partner. 
The issue of religious differences has broken so many relationships and courtships of many years,thus, bringing sorrow and hatred into many lives.In exploring this issue of husband and wife practicing different religions,

When Husband And Wife Practise Different Religions! Your Opinion When Husband And Wife Practise Different Religions! Your Opinion Reviewed by suara info on 14:52:00 Rating: 5

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